Department Adjutant Frank Serra

Marine Frank Serra joined the Corps 9/3/1957 at the age of 17. Dad had to sign for me and he was most willing to do that. Graduated H.S. 06/21/1957 and graduated P.I. 12/11/1957. Born, 10/15/1939, and in my early years was raised on a small farm (Italian dad), and also spent every summer on Nonna and Nonno's commercial farm. Not till joining the Marine Corps did I know that the Corps would be as disciplined and demanding as that of working a farm. Graduating from P.I., I was originally assigned an MOS of 0300 out of bootcamp and eventually, 8/28/1958, assigned to H&S Co., 2d Bn, 6th Marines, Camp Lejeune as an Administrative Man, Mail Orderly, Correspondence, Payroll, Service Records, and Unit Diary. I did receive a permit to drive a Jeep but never got to do that because I was always too busy under the supervision of the seasoned "Top"--1stSgt Robert W. Caldwell, the toughest Marine I had ever come to know. He chewed on and terrorized everyone-and-anyone regardless of rank, including the officers under the rank of Captain. I did get to engage in Operation Blue Bat, Beirut, Lebanon. It is my claim to becoming a member of the VFW. To this day, Lebanon is still referred to as our involvement in a region to be dubbed by many as "America's Forever War."
Received two meritorious promotions (E3 and E4) for my active duty hitch. When released from active, I spent one day home before going off to Bryant College, graduating 7/27/1963 with a B.S. in B. A. completed in an accelerated 3-year program. After many years had passed, I did join a Marine detachment in 2014--Detachment 955, Cape & Islands. First year serving as the Adjutant thereat and from 2015-2017 as the Detachment's Commandant. Joined the Department in 2015 as the appointed Adjutant by the then, Dept. Cmdt. Col. Fran Curnow and have been serving in that capacity ever since--and, very pleased and privileged to be also presently serving as Quartermaster/Adjutant for the Dennis F. Thomas VFW Post #2578, Hyannis, since 2016. For me, nothing compares to what the Corps has provided to me; and, I have often commented that it is, bar all else, the very best decision I have ever made for my personal self worth in all my many years. Thanks for reading and "Semper Fi"