Calendar of Events
This is our Calendar. Click the "previous" and "next" links to change the month. Mouse-over event times to see details.
May 2023
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | 1
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve! | 2 | 3 | 4
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Captain William D. Glynn Detachment #128 Meeting | 5 | 6
10:00 am
LCpl John J Van Gyzen Detachment #1285 Meeting |
9:00 am
Honorable Few #1302 Meeting | 8
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve!
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Westfield River Valley Detachment #141 Meeting | 9 | 10
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Plymouth Detachment #1306 Meeting | 11
7:00 pm
Greater New Bedford Detachment #1399 Meeting | 12 | 13
9:00 am
Essex Detachment #127 Meeting |
14 | 15
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve! | 16
7:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Metrowest Detachment #1037 Meeting | 17
7:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Norfolk County Detachment #136 Meeting | 18 | 19 | 20
10:00 am - 11:00 am
South Central Detachment #1094 Meeting |
21 | 22
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve! | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve! | 30 | 31 |
May 2023
Monday, May 1
, 2023
5:30 pm
until 7:30 pm
Moose Lodge, 20 School Street Greenfield MA. (
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve!
Monday, May 1
, 2023
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment | 215 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA 02472
Captain William D. Glynn Detachment #128 Meeting
Thursday, May 4
, 2023
7:00 pm
until 8:00 pm
Haverhill City Hall, 4 Summer Street Haverhill MA
LCpl John J Van Gyzen Detachment #1285 Meeting
Saturday, May 6
, 2023
10:00 am
265 High Street, Somerset MA

Honorable Few #1302 Meeting
Sunday, May 7
, 2023
9:00 am
VFW Post 4524, 61 Lucia Ave Revere, MA 02151
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve!
Monday, May 8
, 2023
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment | 215 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA 02472
Westfield River Valley Detachment #141 Meeting
Monday, May 8
, 2023
6:00 pm
until 7:00 pm
71 N Elm St, Westfield, MA. 01085
Plymouth Detachment #1306 Meeting
Wednesday, May 10
, 2023
9:00 am
until 10:00 am
VFW Post 1011, 20 Stevens St, Peabody MA 01960
Greater New Bedford Detachment #1399 Meeting
Thursday, May 11
, 2023
7:00 pm
East Freetown VFW, 89 Middleboro Road East Freetown MA

Essex Detachment #127 Meeting
Saturday, May 13
, 2023
9:00 am
VFW Post 1011, 20 Stevens St, Peabody, MA
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve!
Monday, May 15
, 2023
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment | 215 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA 02472
Metrowest Detachment #1037 Meeting
Tuesday, May 16
, 2023
7:00 pm
until 12:30 pm
Natick AMVETS. Superior Drive Natick, MA
Norfolk County Detachment #136 Meeting
Wednesday, May 17
, 2023
7:00 pm
until 12:30 pm
VFW, 190 Dean Street, Norwood MA
South Central Detachment #1094 Meeting
Saturday, May 20
, 2023
10:00 am
until 11:00 am
American Legion Post 109, 509 Main Street, Fiskdale MA
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve!
Monday, May 22
, 2023
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment | 215 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA 02472
Shutt Detachment #139's Supper with Steve!
Monday, May 29
, 2023
6:00 pm
Shutt Detachment | 215 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA 02472