A Message from the Department Commandant, Jon Zwirblia
Welcome to the Department of Massachusetts Marine Corps League website. Here at the Department of Massachusetts we place a heavy emphasis on camaraderie, fun, and community outreach.
We at the Department of Massachusetts take pride in our Detachments. Detachments are the backbone of the league, they are the boots on the ground, and they are what the public sees and interacts with on a regular basis. Our Marine Corps League Detachment’s strive to be an active part of our communities and to make a positive difference in them. Please check out our Detachment locator to find a Detachment near you.
My Department officers and I are are doing everything we can to actively search for Marines who have recently exited the Marine Corps in order to help provide them Veteran Transitional services through local Detachments. We want those Marines transitioning to know the camaraderie we all cherish as Marines and want them to join the league.
To prospective members visiting our site, we are always looking to add to our membership, and can help you track down a local Detachment closest to you. Contact information is available at the top of the website under Detachments. If you have reached out to a Detachment but have not heard back in a reasonable time frame, please reach out to us through the contact tab on the top of this webpage. The Marine Corps League accepts all honorably discharged Marines, FMF Corpsman or Navy Chaplains. However, if you cannot join at this time, perhaps you could make a donation. Any and all donations can be made to our Department Paymaster by contacting Bernard Heaney at bernieandnancy1@comcast.net
The Department of Massachusetts enjoys donating to many different organizations and nonprofits. Some of the programs include the Young Marine's Program, Scouting programs, Wreaths Across America, JROTC programs, Women's Shelters, The Holyoke Soldiers Home, and Veteran’s Hospitals. If it is for a good cause and supports our veteran community or community as a whole, we try to be there to help.
We hope to see you all at future meetings so far as your circumstances may permit.
Semper Fidelis,
Jon Zwirblia
Department of Massachusetts Marine Corps League
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The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website Press Releases
The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website Press Releases RSS Feed
Marine Corps Passes FY24 Financial Audit
2025-02-04 08:26
For the second year in a row, independent auditors verified that the Marine Corps’ financial records are materially accurate, complete, and compliant with federal regulations and issued an unmodified opinion for Fiscal Year 2024.
Deputy Commandant for Aviation Unveils 2025 Aviation Plan, Reinforcing Future Readiness and Technological Integration
2025-02-03 09:00
Headquarters Marine Corps Aviation released the 2025 Marine Corps Aviation Plan, outlining a
Death of General Thomas R. Morgan, 21st Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
2024-12-20 10:30
The Marine Corps announces the passing of the 21st Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Thomas R. Morgan on December 6, 2024.
Marine Corps releases Talent Management Update, remains committed to empowering Marines while enhancing lethality
2024-12-19 12:13
The Marine Corps released the latest Talent Management update in support of Force Design, highlighting the continuous efforts to modernize and innovate its talent management systems, enhancing readiness and empowering Marines to thrive in a dynamic operational environment. Building on the foundation set by Talent Management 2030 and the Talent Management Campaign Plan 2023-2025, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) achieved significant milestones in retaining, developing, and optimizing the force.
USMC/MOD Joint Statement - Commencement of Force Flow
2024-12-14 01:01
A small detachment of approximately 100 logistics support Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) has started to relocate from Okinawa to Guam in line with the Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”) on July 28, 2024.
Marine Corps crushes fiscal year 2024 end strength with historic retention, recruiting success
2024-09-23 09:25
The Marine Corps achieved historic first-term reenlistment numbers and exceeded its retention goal for Fiscal Year 2024 in a competitive and challenging environment. Engaged leaders across the Marine Corps retained the most qualified Marines at levels not seen in over a decade. Additionally, these efforts contributed to the Marine Corps exceeding its authorized end strength requirement, which is a summation of recruiting and retention efforts.
SECNAV Del Toro Reflects on Three Years in Office at the Future Warfighting Symposium
2024-08-08 10:12
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro delivered remarks at the Future Warfighting Symposium at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I., Aug. 8. Secretary Del Toro addressed new Naval War College (NWC) students, faculty, and staff on the eve of his third anniversary in office.
2024-07-24 11:04
Marine Barracks Washington will host an enlisted-led Evening Parade at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., this Friday, July 26 at 8:45 pm.
Marine Corps launches Barracks Digital Maintenance Request System Service-Wide
2024-06-25 12:13
The Marine Corps launched and has fully implemented QSRMax, which is the service’s main effort to upgrade its maintenance request system from analog to digital.
CMC Signs the First Training and Education Annual Report on Force Design
2024-06-12 13:15
U.S. Marine Corps Commandant General Eric M. Smith has signed the U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Annual Report (TEAR), June, 12, 2024. Published and distributed by Commanding General U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Command (TECOM) Lieutenant General Kevin M. Iiams, the TEAR is the first annual report since the publishing of Training and Education 2030 (TE2030) by General David H. Berger, the 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps. The 14-page document outlines how CG TECOM has organized, progressed, and accomplished the 37 Force Design directed actions from TE2030.